Privacy Policy


This Policy aims to describe the methods of management regarding the processing of personal data of users/visitors of this website, accessible at the address

We recommend carefully reading this privacy policy before providing any data.

This communication is provided in accordance with European regulations, specifically Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (GDPR), articles 13 and 14.


The data controller is Local Web Srl, with headquarters in Bolzano, Piazza delle Erbe, 47 (hereinafter referred to simply as the “Controller”).

The updated list of data processors and group subsidiaries is available upon request by emailing

Scope of this policy

This Privacy Policy pertains to the current website and not to any further websites that are not under the ownership of the Controller and may be visited by the user through navigating the links.

Policy and Privacy Statement

The website primarily serves an informational purpose regarding the activities carried out by Local Web Srl; therefore, in most cases, there is no collection of personal data from the user. In certain cases, such as in the “contact us” section, to enable the transmission of information or service requests, users are asked to fill out a data collection form. In these cases, a privacy notice is provided, specifying the use of data and other required legal information. We recommend reading these notices before providing any data.

Additionally, in limited cases where it becomes necessary to collect personal information for other purposes, this will be clearly highlighted in the legal notices to ensure transparency and user awareness.

These notices aim to define the limits and methods of data processing for each service, based on which the visitor can freely give their consent (if necessary) and authorize the collection and subsequent use of data.

Browsing data

The computer systems and software procedures responsible for the operation of this website acquire, during their normal operation, some personal data whose transmission is implicit in the use of Internet communication protocols.

This category of data includes: IP addresses, the type of browser used, the operating system, the domain name, and the addresses of websites accessed or exited from, information about the pages visited by users within the site, access time, time spent on each page, internal path analysis, and other parameters related to the user’s operating system and computer environment.

These technical/computer data are collected and used exclusively in an aggregated and non-immediately identifiable manner; they could be used to ascertain responsibility in case of hypothetical computer crimes against the website or at the request of public authorities.


In regards to the installation of cookies by this website, please refer to the Cookie Policy.

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This website may provide links to other third-party company websites.

Local Web Srl disclaims any responsibility regarding the possible management of personal data by third-party sites and the management of authentication credentials provided by third parties.

Methods of processing and storage of data

The processing of personal data is mainly carried out using electronic procedures and supports for the time strictly necessary to achieve the purposes for which the data were collected. However, the user has the right to obtain the deletion of their data in the presence of legitimate reasons.

Optional provision of data

The provision of personal data requested from the data subject — unless specified otherwise — is optional. However, failure to provide such data may result in the inability to obtain the requested information or to perform the indicated activity.

Location of data processing

The processing related to the web services of this website takes place at the company Local Web Srl, which manages the corresponding server. Personal data is handled only by technical personnel of this company, specifically appointed for processing, or by any occasional maintenance operators

Scope of data circulation and data dissemination

The personal data acquired through this website is accessed only by individuals acting on behalf of the Controller, specifically designated as data managers, coordinators, or authorized and appointed individuals responsible for managing the requested service; the same data is not disclosed.

More detailed information about the names of privacy roles can be requested by writing to

Foreign data flows

Given the international nature of Local Web Srl’s activities, data may be transferred abroad and processed, still solely for the purposes mentioned above, by companies of the Sestante Holding Group located in third countries.

In these cases, the transmission of data abroad is subject to specific guarantees for the protection of personal data through the adoption of standard contractual clauses on data protection, approved by the European Commission, or similar safeguards.

Rights for the protection of personal data

The individuals to whom the personal data refers have the right at any time to obtain confirmation of the existence or otherwise of the same data and to know its content and origin, verify its accuracy, or request its integration, updating, or rectification.

Furthermore, you have the right to request the deletion, transformation into anonymous form, or blocking of data processed in violation of the law, as well as to object, for legitimate reasons, to their processing in any case.

Requests should be addressed to

Modifiche alla policy

The potential enactment of new sector-specific regulations, as well as the constant review and updating of user services, may require changes to the methods of processing personal data. Therefore, it is possible that our policy may undergo changes over time, and we encourage visitors to periodically consult this page. For this purpose, the policy document highlights the date of update.

Date of Drafting: 24-05-2018

Last Update: 27-04-2021