Information pursuant to Article 13 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 (General Data Protection Regulation, GDPR)

I. Ownership and types of data

According to Article 13 of the GDPR, Local Web based in Bolzano, at Piazza delle Erbe no. 47, as the data controller (hereinafter referred to as “the Controller”), informs you that, through this form, it will proceed to collect the personal data directly provided by you.

The Controller has appointed Mr. Orjon Nallbati as their Data Protection Officer (DPO) pursuant to Article 37 of the GDPR. Mr. Nallbati is domiciled for the position at the registered office and can be contacted at the following email address:

II. Purposes of use

Your personal data as described above and provided by you are collected and used for the following purposes connected and instrumental to the activity of Local Web, namely:

  • Allowing the execution of obligations under the contract, particularly regarding the reporting of malfunctions and the management of complaints from customers, through the completion of the form;
  • Enabling the processing of contact requests and/or new service requests sent by the interested user through the completion of the form.

For the purpose mentioned in points II.1 and II.2, your consent is not required for the use of data.

III. Methods of use and storage

Your data is used electronically and stored on electronic media or also by means of paper-based tools.

IV. Scope of data circulation

In the context attributable to the same Controller

A. The data may be used by personnel of Local Web or third-party companies assigned a specific role of data processor and to whom adequate operational instructions have been given.

Within the same corporate group for contractual or accounting purposes

B. Furthermore, data may also be transmitted to other companies within the Group, to fulfill specific legal obligations or for contractual and accounting purposes, possibly also residing outside the European Union with relationships regulated by specific model contractual clauses, as indicated by the Privacy Guarantor.

V. Transfer of data abroad and dissemination

Given the international nature of Local Web’s activities, your data may be transferred abroad and processed by individuals falling within the categories mentioned in point IV. of the above, located in non-EU countries, for the purposes described in point II above.

Transfer abroad without notification

Given the international nature of Local Web’s activities, your data may be transferred abroad and processed by individuals falling within the categories mentioned in point IV above, located in non-EU countries for the performance of instrumental activities. In this case, such entities act as data processors and the activity is subject to specific guarantees for the protection of personal data through the adoption of standard contractual clauses, as indicated by the Privacy Guarantor.


Your personal data is not subject to dissemination.

VI. Rights

Regarding the processing of your personal data, the Controller informs you that the retention period for the aforementioned data does not exceed the time necessary to achieve the purposes for which the data are collected and subsequently processed, but no longer than two months. While processing is ongoing, you can exercise the following rights at any time:

  • obtain confirmation of whether or not the same data exists, and if so,
  • know its content and origin,
  • verify its accuracy, request the correction of inaccurate data, the integration of incomplete data, or the updating of outdated data, or
  • obtain the limitation of processing, where one of the conditions set forth in Article 18 of the GDPR applies;
  • request the deletion of data processed in violation of the law, or if one of the other conditions set forth in Article 17, paragraph 1, letter… a), b), c), e) and f) GDPR
  • oppose, for legitimate reasons, to their processing, or to oppose the processing in other cases provided for by Article 21, paragraphs 2 and 3, and Article 22 of the GDPR;
  • to obtain the release of the personal data being processed in a format compatible with standard computer applications, to allow their transfer to other platforms of your choice, without hindrance to the direct transmission of processed data to another data controller, where such direct transmission is technically feasible [d. right to data portability];

Requests regarding the exercise of the aforementioned rights should be addressed to the Controller:

  • via email, at the following address:
  • via fax, at the following number: 0239195817
  • via mail, to the following address: Piazza delle Erbe, no. 47, Bolzano.

In case of no response or partial response from the Controller to the above requests, you will have the right to lodge a complaint or appeal to the Data Protection Authority in accordance with the terms and procedures provided by applicable European and national regulations.

Last revision date: 27-04-2021